Au cours des années, différents logiciels ont été développés au SED puis utilisés par différents groupes et personnes. Ces logiciels qui ne sont plus maintenus activement, mais qui peuvent toujours avoir un certain intérêt, sont archivés ici.
La documentation de ces logiciels est disponible en anglais.
ZMAP est un ensemble d'outils basés sur MATLAB® pour l'analyse des catalogues de tremblements de terre. Il a été publié pour la première fois en 1994. La version 7 a été publiée en 2018, après une refonte majeure du logiciel et son portage sur une version actuelle de MATLAB. Le logiciel n'est plus activement maintenu ou supporté, le texte et le code ci-dessous datent de 2018. La description peut être trouvée ci-dessous en anglais.
(slightly modified from the 2001 Electronic Seismologist Article)
Earthquake catalogues are probably the most fundamental products of seismology and remain arguably the most useful for tectonic studies. Modern seismograph networks can locate up to hundreds of thousands of earthquakes annually, providing a continuous and sometime overwhelming stream of data. ZMAP is a set of tools driven by a graphical user interface (GUI), designed to help seismologists analyse catalogue data. ZMAP is primarily a research tool suited to the evaluation of catalogue quality and to addressing specific hypotheses; however, it can also be useful in routine network operations.
ZMAP 7 requires MathWorks MATLAB® R2018a or higher with the following toolboxes:
ZMAP is currently hosted on GitHub at:
Or click here to download a .zip file
By downloading the .zip file
By cloning the project from GitHub [if you already are familiar with git]
Nearly every aspect of ZMAP has been modified. Goals for ZMAP7 are:
Information for how one starts to work with ZMAP available from the, visible on the main GitHub page.
Wiemer, S., 2001. A software package to analyze seismicity: ZMAP. Seismological Research Letters, 72(3), pp.373-382
MATLAB is a registered trademark of MathWorks
Le logiciel AutoDRM a été développé au SED au début des années 1990 dans le cadre des travaux scientifiques visant à préparer le traité d'interdiction complète des essais nucléaires, principalement par Urs Kradolfer. Il s'agit d'un logiciel d'échange de données par courrier électronique qui est devenu une norme largement utilisée et soutenue dans le domaine de la sismologie pendant de nombreuses années. Alors que dans la communauté scientifique, AutoDRM a été largement remplacé par des services web modernes, le logiciel est toujours utilisé pour l'échange de données par message au Centre international de données de l'OTICE. La description ci-dessous et le code original sont fournis principalement pour des raisons historiques. Le texte a été modifié pour la dernière fois en 2003. La description est disponible ci-dessous en anglais.
An AutoDRM (Automatic Data Request Manager) is a software package, that allows anyone with access to electronic mail to retrieve data from the site where such an AutoDRM is installed.
Check it out by sending an e-mail to: [mailaddress]@[] with the text 'help'. You will then immediately and automatically get more information via e-mail. The Users Guide is also available here.
AutoDRM is now a widely used method to retrieve earthquake information (including waveform data) from seismological observatories. Besides the original 'standard' most AutoDRMs today understand requests in the so-called GSE2.0 format and their response mails are also in this format. The GSE2.0 format was developed by members of the GSE (Group of Scientific Experts at the Conference on disarmament), representatives of the FDSN (Federation on Digital Seismographic Networks), and representatives of the U.S. Geological Survey.
More information about the Swiss AutoDRM can be found in:
Kradolfer, U., AutoDRM - The First Five Years,
Seism. Res. Let., 67, pp. 30-33, 1996.
Kradolfer, U., Automating the Exchange of Earthquake Information,
EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. U., vol. 74, pp. 442,444-445, 1993.
More information about the general AutoDRM message concept and a detailed description of the formats can be found on the Autodrm documentation page. The GSE2.0 format explained there is also supported by the Swiss AutoDRM.
There are some minimum requirements for all AutoDRM installations, which have been agreed on at several occasions by the seismological community.
The most important issue is, that each AutoDRM must send an answer to the word 'HELP' in the message body. Even if you operate an AutoDRM, where users have to be registered first, such an AutoDRM should respond to a HELP-message and tell the requestor, what has to be done in order to obtain data. Only AutoDRM installations, which fulfill this absolute minumum requirement, are entitled to have an e-mail address of the form autodrm@anyhost.anydomain.
For the 'Basic Message Support' and other minimum requirements, please check the Documentation page and specifically read Chapter 5 starting at page 125 (if you use AcrobatReader) or page 117 if you print this document.
It is especially important, that every AutoDRM returns waveform data in the GSE-format. Any other formats may also be supported, but it has been agreed that even a simple AutoDRM must support the GSE2.0/GSE2.1 format as the main format for all requests, as well as one of the ASCII sub-formats (INT, CM6, or AU6) for waveforms. Any other formats can be supported in addition.
There is a short User Guide available with examples of request mails for users of AutoDRM.
Documentation on how to install the software is provided further below.
The detailed formats of both the new AutoDRM message format as well as the full description of other formats (such as WAVEFORM, etc.) is available in a document by the GSE (Group of Scientific Experts at the Conference on Disarmament): FORMATS AND PROTOCOLS FOR DATA EXCHANGE (Conference Room Paper 243, Volume 2 Operations, Annex 3). This document is available as PDF here.
Issues related to AutoDRM are contained in the chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5. The format description of the GSE2.1 Format (1997) is available as PDF here.
The description on how to install the complete AutoDRM package is available in the ASCII file install_autodrm.txt, and the complete package is available as a compressed UNIX tar-file: autodrm_3.00beta.tar.tar (download and store this file locally on your computer).
The package runs on UNIX-Systems such as HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, AIX, OSF1, and Linux and includes documentation on how to install the software. An initial version usually is installed within a few minutes.
The software is free, but if you feel it is appropriate, you may consider to pay back by citing one of the articles on AutoDRM, when you publish papers containing results where this software was useful to you:
Kradolfer, U., AutoDRM - The First Five Years,
Seism. Res. Let., 67, pp. 30-33, 1996.
Kradolfer, U., Automating the Exchange of Earthquake Information,
EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. U., vol. 74, pp. 442,444-445, 1993.
New features of version V3.00beta (19 July 2003):
New features of version V3.00alpha (29 April 2002 - not widely announced):
New features of version V2.99 (12 May 2001):
New features of version V2.98 (23Mar2001):
New features of version V2.97 (21 March 2001):
New features of version V2.96 (18 February 2001):
New features of version V2.95 (08 August 2000):
Major new features of version V2.94 (03 June 2000):
New features of version V2.9 (17 June 98):
New features of version V2.84 (14 November 97):
New features of version V2.83 (4 May 97):
CollectWaves a été écrit par Manfred Baer en tant qu'application Java autonome pour récupérer les formes d'ondes des stations sismiques disponibles via AutoDRM. Elle n'est plus maintenue, mais peut toujours être téléchargée. Le texte ci-dessous et la dernière version du code datent de 2003. La description peut être trouvée ci-dessous en anglais.
CollectWaves is a standalone Java application which allows to retrieve wave forms of seismic station accessible through AutoDRM. The program is driven by run string parameters and thus can easily be incorporated into automatic wave form processing procedures.
Based on the epicenter coordinates, depth and origin time the program calculates for specified seismic phases the appropriate time window of the wave forms for all available stations. Any number of seismic phases can be specified with a time window (pre phase and post phase time). Travel time calculations are performed by default by the TauP_Time class (H. Philip Crotwell,, download ) based on the IASPEI91 traveltime tables. However, a user can specify his own traveltime table which may be a flat file (needs input format description) or an other taup model.
Station selection can be chosen by distance range, by an azimuth sector, or by a number of sectors of the full azimuth range in which case only the closest station within each sector is selected.
In case that some AutoDRM's or some specific stations should not be accessed the can be put on a 'black list'.
Since the program keeps a logfile of which stations were already requested, it can be re-started on the same event repeatedly whiteout re-requesting the same station twice.
Some AutoDRM's can not deliver wave forms immediately due to the way the data acquisition and archiving is performed. In many cases this delay is known an can be stored in a file. If CollectWaves knows about these delay times it will wait until this time is elapsed for the whole wave form before sending the corresponding e-mail.
Formatted input/output is done by Henrik Bengtsson' ( printf/scanf for java, which is true C-style (download)
For class documentaion see: CollectWaves doc
When installing CollectWaves be shure you have downloaded TauP and Format classes and these packages are reference in your CLASSPATH.
Using CollectWaves without any options produces a short list of all options.
Options with leading + require an argument, options with leading - are switches not requiring an argument
+epiz | epizenter coordinates lat/lon/depth. Must be specified e.g. -91.5/17.0/30.0 for an epicentre at 91.5W and 17.0N at depth 30 km | |
+orig | epizenter origin time: yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss.sss (Must be specified) | |
+host | Hostname of the mail server | |
+send | return mail address, also used as senders address; Must be defined | |
+afmt | format file for reading AutoDRM station file. Must be specified if +afil option set | |
+afil | AutoDRM station file. Default This link automatically updated and maintained by Waves4U (Urs Kradolfer) |
+amin | availability threshold for accepting a station from AutoDRM file. Default: 0.1 (for definition see Waves4U, Urs Kradolfer) | |
+bfil | file for blacklisted stations or AutoDRM's. e.g. do not request data from CTBTO and station ZUR ctbto ZUR |
+dfmt | format file for AutoDRM delay file. Must be specified if +dfil option set | |
+dfil | file with delay times [s] for individual AutoDRM's. Default no delay. | |
+efmt | format file for reading station file for stations allready available. Must be specified if +efil option set. Default: statready.fmt | |
+efil | station file for stations allready available. Default: ./statready.list | |
+rfmt | format file for reading allready requested stations. Default: requested.fmt | |
+rfil | allready requested stations. Default: ./requested.list | |
+tfmt | format file for travel time tables. Must be specified if +tfil option set and travel time table not *.taup | |
+tfil | travel time table. Default: iasp91.taup | |
+phwi | phase window: P,-30,+60:PcP,-50,+120 . Phase names must follow the convention of the travel time tables used. Default P,-30,90 | |
+sect | number of sectors to search for closest station. Default no sectors i.e. all stations in the distance range +dist | |
+aseg | select station in azimuth segment +aseg azmin,azmax (clockwise from north) | |
+dist | dmin,dmax distance for stations to be request [deg]. Default 0,30 | |
+prco | preferred components e.g. HH,BH,EH,SH,LH. default HH,BH,EH,SH | |
+m_cc | copy request mail to this address; default no copy | |
+m_id | Message ID for AutoDRM request | |
+m_sc | Message source for AutoDRM request (e.g. YourOrganization) | |
+mlog | log mails to this file; default log | |
+verb | verbosity level; default 0 | |
+rc | runtime config file. This file may contain any of the runstring options (one option per line). Options set in the config file are overwritten by options defined in the run string (command line) | |
-debug | program does not send the e-mails |
There is an event at 33.6N 24.0E at depth 10km with on July 16, 2002, at 06-56-23.6
The mailing host through which you send your e-mails is 'yourMailHost' (+host),
You want to receive wave forms at the e-mail address 'MyMailAddress' (+send) with a reference ID 'Test1' (+m_id) for all available stations up to a distance of 30 degrees (this is the default!). The wave form time window is (by default) 30 seconds before P-wave arrival with a total duration of 120 seconds:
java CollectWaves +epiz 33.6/24.0/10 +orig 2002-07-16-06-56-23.6 +m_id Test1 +host yourMailHost +send MyMailAddress
where configfile contains:
+epiz 33.6/24.0/10
+orig 2002-07-16-06-56-23.6
+m_id Test1
+host yourMailHost
+send MyMailAdress
Same as in a, but you want to receive only wave forms of stations in the distance range from 10 to 20 degrees: (see image distance range)
java CollectWaves +rc configfile +dist 10,20
For the event in a) select the closest stations around the epicenter for 12 sectors (one sector will be 30 degrees wide). Only one station per sector will be selected with a distance less than 20 degrees: (see image azimuthal coverage)
java CollectWaves +rc configfile +dist 0,20 +sect 12
For the event in a) request all stations with an azimuth between 210 to 240 degrees: (see image azimuth range)
java CollectWaves +rc configfile +aseg 210,240
For the event in a) request all stations up to 30 degrees distance with preference on LH channels, accept BH channels if LH is not available or HH if BH are not available. No SH or EH signals are requested. The time window is set such that surface waves with group velocities between 2.3 and 3.8 km/s are contained. The time window is extended to 50 seconds before and 100 seconds after the slower velocity. Note: the phase naming is defined by the TauP class.
java CollectWaves +rc configfile +phwi 3.8kmps, -50, +120:2.3kmps,-50,100 +prco,LH,BH,HH
File Formats:
+afil, +afmt: Data file with stations, channels, coordinates, AutoDRM e-mail address and availability code:
Assume the following format of the file containing the stations available through AutoDRM:
SLE HHE av=0.0 47.766 8.4933
SLE HHN av=0.0 47.766 8.4933
SLE HHZ av=0.0 47.766 8.4933
ZUR HHE av=0.0 47.369 8.5810
ZUR HHN av=0.0 47.369 8.5810
ZUR HHZ av=0.0 47.369 8.5810
Then the corresponding format description (+afmt) looks like:
StName StComp StAvail StLat StLon
%s %s %*c%*c%*c%f %f %f %s\n
The first line defines the sequence of the variables (their name corresponds to the ones in the class CollecWaves ). The second line is the corresponting C format description to read the data file. The 3 characters 'av=' in the data file are skipped with %*c.
If your input file looks like:
SLE HHE 47.766 8.4933 0.0
SLE HHN 47.766 8.4933 0.0
SLE HHZ 47.766 8.4933 0.0
ZUR HHE 47.369 8.5810 0.0
ZUR HHN 47.369 8.5810 0.0
The format description is:
StName AutoDRM StComp StLat StLon StAvail
%s %s %s %f %f %f %f\n
+efil, +efmt: File containing station names for which wave forms are allready on your system:
The first string in this example is the name of the data file containing the wave forms, the trailing date-time. Both informations are not needed in this context, only station name and channel name are needed .
./KP200207160700 SLE HHE 2002-07-16-07-00-2.005
./KP200207160700 SLE HHN 2002-07-16-07-00-2.005
./KP200207160700 SLE HHZ 2002-07-16-07-00-2.005
./KP200207160700 ZUR HHE 2002-07-16-07-00-2.005
./KP200207160700 ZUR HHN 2002-07-16-07-00-2.005
./KP200207160700 ZUR HHZ 2002-07-16-07-00-2.005
The format description is:
StName StComp
%*s %s %s
+dfil, +dfmt: Delay times for AutoDRM's due to the data acquisition and processing system
This file contains names of AutoDRM addresses and delay times [sec]: e.g. 480
The format description is:
AutoDRM delayAutoDRM
%s %s
+tfil, +tfmt:
+bfil: AutoDRM addresses (or parts of them) or station names, one pattern per input line, which shoud be deleted from the AutoDRM list (+afil). No casefolding is performed on the patterns. e.g.:
or putting these values into a configure file:
java CollectWaves +rc configfile
Important License Information:
The CollectWaves is available free under the terms of the GNU General Public License, found in the COPYING file within the distribution. It gives you specific rights to use, modify and redistribute this software. Please be aware of section 2 of the license which specifically prevents you from redistributing this software incorporated, in whole or on part, into to a work, unless that work is also covered by the GNU General Public License. Please see the Free Software Foundation's web site,, for more information. Disclaimer: Portions of this software are copyrighted by the University of South Carolina, Sun Microsystems, Inc.,and other parties.
codeco3 est une autre boîte à outils développée avec AutoDRM à la fin des années 1990 par Urs Kradolfer (SED), Karl Koch et Klaus Stammler (BGR Hannover, Allemagne). Le texte ci-dessous et le code datent de 2000. La description peut être trouvée ci-dessous en anglais.
codeco3 is a software package for waveform conversion on UNIX platforms, developed by Urs Kradolfer, Karl Koch and Klaus Stammler; see the schematic below.
It supports the conversion from the following input formats: GSE1.0 (intv, int(x), cmp6, cmp7, cmp8; each with 0, 1st or 2nd differences), GSE2.0 (int, cm6, cm7, cm8), SAC-binary, SAC-ascii, MiniSEED (4096-blocks), CSS (2.8/3.0).
The supported output formats are: GSE1.0 (intv, int, cmp6, cmp7, cmp8; each with 0, 1st or 2nd differences), GSE2.0 (int, cm6, cm7, cm8), SAC-binary, SAC-ascii, Mini-SEED (4096-block Steim1-compressed data records - only if separate executable is available), CSS (2.8/3.0).
You may get this software as a compressed tar-file by clicking on the following link:
INPUT OUTPUT <<<<<<< >>>>>> ------------ ------------ | GSE1.0/2.x | >---- ----> | GSE1.0/2.x | ------------ \ / ------------ \ / ----------- \ / ----------- | SAC (A/B) | >-------- \ / ------> | SAC (A/B) | ----------- \ / ----------- codeco3 ------------ / \ ------------ | CSS2.8/3.0 | >------- / \ ------> | CSS2.8/3.0 | ------------ / \ ------------ / \ -------- / \ ------- | mSEED | >-------- ----> | mSEED | -------- -------
This is still a test-version, which has been tested on HP-UX, Linux, SunOS, and Solaris, using Fortran 77 and Fortran90.