Informations sur l’événement

Evénement du 2018-09-12 20:14, Imst A, Magnitude 2.7
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Event Map for originId
Heure locale 2018-09-12 20:14:23
UTC time 2018-09-12 18:14:23
Type de l'évènement earthquake
Latitude / Longitude 47.45 / 11.04
Coordonnées Suisses 871514 / 261702
Magnitude 2.7
Type de Magnitude M
Localité Imst A
Profondeur [km] 4.0
Type de localisation manual
Institut GFZ
Dernière modification 12-09-2018 20:21:49
Degré de danger 0 (suivant les Services spécialisés dangers naturels de la Confédération)
Origin ID & metadata smi:de.gfz-potsdam/out.188357-0.735777205801305/20180912202156/origin/1
waveform image, if available
Traveltime plot:
travel time plot. click to enlarge in separate window.
GSE 2.1 provisional format
MSG_ID 2018/09/12_061800547 CHE_NDC
Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) of the CHE_NDC for September 12, 2018, 06:14:24.753
EVENT 2018/09/12_061424753 IMST A
Date Time Err RMS Latitude Longitude Smaj Smin Az Depth Err Ndef Nsta Gap mdist Mdist Qual Author OrigID
2018/09/12 18:14:24.75 0.33 47.2792 10.9386 7050.3 2242.9 210 3.0 2.9 19 19 147 0.46 1.35 a i uk SED --------

Magnitude Err Nsta Author OrigID
MLh 2.9 0.3 16 SED --------

Sta Dist EvAz Phase Time TRes Azim AzRes Slow SRes Def SNR Amp Per Qual Magnitude ArrID
RETA 0.24 330.2 P 18:14:27.388 ___ a__ --------
FETA 0.29 209.0 P 18:14:30.608 ___ a__ --------
OBER 0.46 286.2 P 18:14:32.980 -0.1 ___ 1123.8 a__ MLh 2.8 --------
WTTA 0.47 91.9 P 18:14:30.758 -3.2 ___ a__ --------
ROSI 0.48 136.6 P 18:14:29.278 -4.7 ___ a__ --------
UBR 0.70 305.2 P 18:14:37.608 -0.1 ___ 1444.5 a__ MLh 3.2 --------
MOSI 0.71 200.8 P 18:14:38.518 0.1 ___ 975.8 a__ MLh 3.0 --------
DAVA 0.72 270.6 P 18:14:38.268 0.0 ___ 597.6 a__ MLh 2.8 --------
DAVOX 0.87 235.0 P 18:14:41.391 -0.1 ___ 285.2 a__ MLh 2.5 --------
LIENZ 0.98 270.9 P 18:14:43.705 0.4 ___ 461.5 a__ MLh 2.8 --------
SGT05 1.02 279.2 P 18:14:44.429 0.4 ___ 1752.0 a__ MLh 3.4 --------
SBUB 1.03 263.1 P 18:14:45.272 ___ a__ --------
BERNI 1.06 215.2 P 18:14:44.720 -0.4 ___ 184.2 a__ MLh 2.4 --------
SGT04 1.08 274.3 P 18:14:45.605 ___ a__ --------
PLONS 1.08 257.7 P 18:14:45.654 0.4 ___ 536.6 a__ MLh 2.9 --------
ROMAN 1.12 284.7 P 18:14:46.349 0.4 ___ 557.9 a__ MLh 2.9 --------
SGT18 1.17 279.3 P 18:14:47.745 1.1 ___ 1122.9 a__ MLh 3.3 --------
MABI 1.25 192.2 P 18:14:48.760 0.4 ___ 156.0 a__ MLh 2.4 --------
VDL 1.28 231.6 P 18:14:51.415 2.3 ___ a__ --------
AGOR 1.31 142.9 P 18:14:49.540 0.1 ___ 185.8 a__ MLh 2.5 --------
LUSI 1.32 178.4 P 18:14:49.938 0.4 ___ 193.4 a__ MLh 2.6 --------
WALHA 1.32 291.0 P 18:14:49.545 0.0 ___ 414.4 a__ MLh 2.9 --------
PANIX 1.32 250.7 P 18:14:49.944 ___ a__ --------
WEIN 1.35 280.7 P 18:14:50.549 0.6 ___ 1423.8 a__ MLh 3.4 --------
STIEG 1.56 278.9 P 18:14:54.409 ___ a__ --------

QuakeML format

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