Informations sur l’événement

Evénement du 2018-10-01 07:21, Mont-Cenis F, Magnitude 2.1
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Event Map for originId
Heure locale 2018-10-01 07:21:57
UTC time 2018-10-01 05:21:57
Type de l'évènement earthquake
Latitude / Longitude 45.41 / 6.43
Coordonnées Suisses 521109 / 28709
Magnitude 2.1
Type de Magnitude ML
Localité Mont-Cenis F
Profondeur [km] 10.0
Type de localisation manual
Institut INGV
Dernière modification 01-10-2018 05:28:42
Degré de danger 0 (suivant les Services spécialisés dangers naturels de la Confédération)
Origin ID & metadata
waveform image, if available
Traveltime plot:
travel time plot. click to enlarge in separate window.
GSE 2.1 provisional format
MSG_ID 2018/10/01_052545419 CHE_NDC
Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) of the CHE_NDC for October 01, 2018, 05:21:57.268
EVENT 2018/10/01_052157268 MONT-CENIS F
Date Time Err RMS Latitude Longitude Smaj Smin Az Depth Err Ndef Nsta Gap mdist Mdist Qual Author OrigID
2018/10/01 05:21:57.27 0.25 45.4592 6.3962 12074.1 2478.4 76 9.5 4.7 21 21 266 0.28 1.48 a i uk SED --------

Magnitude Err Nsta Author OrigID
MLh 2.4 0.3 17 SED --------

Sta Dist EvAz Phase Time TRes Azim AzRes Slow SRes Def SNR Amp Per Qual Magnitude ArrID
RSL 0.28 36.1 P 05:22:00.187 -2.9 ___ a__ --------
BNI 0.45 153.9 P 05:22:05.498 ___ a__ --------
OGMY 0.54 321.2 P 05:22:07.460 -0.2 ___ 203.8 a__ MLh 2.3 --------
OGSI 0.66 24.3 P 05:22:09.420 -0.3 ___ 147.1 a__ MLh 2.2 --------
REMY 0.66 55.1 P 05:22:10.109 0.1 ___ 173.4 a__ MLh 2.2 --------
SAVIG 0.67 335.7 P 05:22:09.955 0.0 ___ 479.6 a__ MLh 2.7 --------
OG02 0.70 351.9 P 05:22:10.690 0.1 ___ 250.9 a__ MLh 2.4 --------
SALAN 0.80 31.6 P 05:22:12.349 -0.2 ___ 111.4 a__ MLh 2.1 --------
OG35 0.82 315.5 P 05:22:12.353 ___ a__ --------
CERNS 0.83 346.0 P 05:22:13.299 0.3 ___ 579.7 a__ MLh 2.8 --------
ILLEZ 0.86 27.8 P 05:22:13.524 0.1 ___ 287.7 a__ MLh 2.5 --------
CERN5 0.87 347.2 P 05:22:13.932 0.2 ___ 392.1 a__ MLh 2.7 --------
RAW4 0.94 37.0 P 05:22:15.110 0.1 ___ 601.3 a__ MLh 2.9 --------
GRYON 0.95 33.3 P 05:22:14.999 0.0 ___ 126.9 a__ MLh 2.2 --------
DIX 0.95 49.3 P 05:22:15.239 0.1 ___ 116.3 a__ MLh 2.2 --------
GIMEL 1.08 357.1 P 05:22:18.075 0.2 ___ 220.2 a__ MLh 2.5 --------
RAW2 1.08 37.8 P 05:22:18.160 0.4 ___ 231.0 a__ MLh 2.5 --------
SENIN 1.11 35.8 P 05:22:17.975 -0.3 ___ 85.5 a__ MLh 2.1 --------
RAW1 1.22 37.9 P 05:22:21.184 1.0 ___ a__ --------
LKBD2 1.28 44.2 P 05:22:20.920 -0.3 ___ 107.8 a__ MLh 2.3 --------
RIVEL 1.33 347.8 P 05:22:22.459 0.4 ___ a__ --------
JAUN 1.34 29.1 P 05:22:21.529 -0.9 ___ a__ --------
BRANT 1.48 3.9 P 05:22:24.044 -0.3 ___ 325.9 a__ MLh 2.9 --------

QuakeML format

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Annonces de séisme

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