Informations sur l’événement

Evénement du 2016-10-03 08:43, Goeschenen UR, Magnitude 3.2
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Event Map for originId
Heure locale 2016-10-03 08:43:43
UTC time 2016-10-03 06:43:43
Type de l'évènement earthquake
Latitude / Longitude 46.67 / 8.51
Coordonnées Suisses 682210 / 169223
Magnitude 3.2
Type de Magnitude MLh
Localité Goeschenen UR
Profondeur [km] 4.9
Type de localisation manual
Institut SED
Dernière modification 01-06-2017 14:32:47
Degré de danger 1 (suivant les Services spécialisés dangers naturels de la Confédération)
Origin ID & metadata smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc3a/origin/NLL.20170601143229.912506.56228
waveform image, if available
Traveltime plot:
travel time plot. click to enlarge in separate window.
GSE 2.1 provisional format
MSG_ID 2016/10/03_094635894 CHE_NDC
Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) of the CHE_NDC for October 03, 2016, 06:43:43.482
EVENT 2016/10/03_064343482 GOESCHENEN UR
Date Time Err RMS Latitude Longitude Smaj Smin Az Depth Err Ndef Nsta Gap mdist Mdist Qual Author OrigID
2016/10/03 06:43:43.48 0.24 46.6704 8.5129 1.2 0.3 262 4.9 0.7 123 101 26 0.13 1.78 m i ke SED --------

Magnitude Err Nsta Author OrigID
MLh 3.3 0.4 99 SED --------

Sta Dist EvAz Phase Time TRes Azim AzRes Slow SRes Def SNR Amp Per Qual Magnitude ArrID
GSF03 0.13 222.2 Pg 06:43:46.704 0.2 ___ 45822.6 mc_ MLh 3.8 --------
GSF03 0.13 222.2 Sg 06:43:48.764 0.2 ___ m__ --------
GRIMS 0.16 235.4 Pg 06:43:47.153 0.1 ___ 7423.8 mc_ MLh 3.1 --------
GRIMS 0.16 235.4 Sg 06:43:49.390 -0.2 ___ m__ --------
NALPS 0.18 115.0 Pg 06:43:47.902 0.3 ___ 60983.6 md_ MLh 4.0 --------
NALPS 0.18 115.0 Sg 06:43:50.696 0.2 ___ m__ --------
GSF02 0.20 232.7 Pg 06:43:47.854 0.0 ___ 7129.3 mc_ MLh 3.1 --------
GSF02 0.20 232.7 Sg 06:43:50.604 -0.3 ___ m__ --------
BNALP 0.21 343.9 Pg 06:43:47.995 0.0 ___ 11628.9 md_ MLh 3.4 --------
BNALP 0.21 343.9 Sg 06:43:50.963 -0.3 ___ m__ --------
SALTS 0.23 22.3 Pg 06:43:48.464 0.2 ___ 42965.7 mc_ MLh 4.0 --------
SALTS 0.23 22.3 Sg 06:43:51.710 0.1 ___ m__ --------
FUSIO 0.24 154.6 Pg 06:43:48.804 0.2 ___ 3798.2 md_ MLh 2.9 --------
HASLI 0.26 289.3 Pg 06:43:48.895 0.0 ___ 13252.9 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
HASLI 0.26 289.3 Sg 06:43:52.318 -0.4 ___ m__ --------
SARK 0.29 320.4 Pg 06:43:49.358 0.0 ___ 18887.8 md_ MLh 3.7 --------
SARK 0.29 320.4 Sg 06:43:53.417 -0.1 ___ m__ --------
SSTS 0.31 340.2 Pg 06:43:49.977 0.1 ___ 8571.3 md_ MLh 3.4 --------
FIESA 0.36 229.8 Pg 06:43:50.828 0.0 ___ 2840.5 mc_ MLh 3.1 --------
LLS 0.38 62.4 Pg 06:43:51.225 0.1 ___ 1104.4 mc_ MLh 2.7 --------
SLUB 0.41 340.3 Pg 06:43:52.138 0.2 ___ 1558.8 m__ MLh 2.9 --------
SLTM2 0.42 52.9 Pg 06:43:51.925 0.2 ___ 8459.7 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
SLTM2 0.42 52.9 Sg 06:43:57.512 0.0 ___ m__ --------
PANIX 0.44 69.3 Pg 06:43:52.299 0.2 ___ 2615.5 mc_ MLh 3.2 --------
PANIX 0.44 69.3 Sg 06:43:58.151 0.0 ___ m__ MLh 3.2 --------
SINS 0.45 272.1 Sg 06:43:58.507 0.4 ___ 13447.0 m__ MLh 3.9 --------
SIZS 0.49 77.9 Pg 06:43:53.275 0.4 ___ 9874.4 mc_ MLh 3.8 --------
SIZS 0.49 77.9 Sg 06:43:59.740 0.2 ___ m__ --------
A061A 0.51 33.5 Pg 06:43:53.602 -0.2 ___ 1328.4 mc_ MLh 3.0 --------
PREO2 0.53 142.5 Pg 06:43:53.933 -0.1 ___ 11858.3 md_ MLh 4.0 --------
PREO4 0.53 142.5 Pg 06:43:53.925 -0.1 ___ 13541.2 md_ MLh 4.1 --------
SLOP 0.54 159.5 Pg 06:43:54.293 0.2 ___ 6068.2 m__ MLh 3.7 --------
BIBA 0.55 227.7 Pg 06:43:53.980 0.1 ___ 4313.8 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
SIMPL 0.55 218.6 Pg 06:43:53.988 -0.2 ___ 4519.3 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
LAUCH 0.57 243.6 Pg 06:43:54.474 -0.1 ___ 1903.1 mc_ MLh 3.2 --------
SVISP 0.58 230.0 Pg 06:43:54.515 0.1 ___ 4271.4 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
SVIT 0.58 228.9 Pg 06:43:54.581 0.1 ___ 5078.4 mc_ MLh 3.7 --------
SVIT 0.58 228.9 Sg 06:44:01.878 -0.5 ___ m__ --------
SVIO 0.58 229.2 Pg 06:43:54.596 0.1 ___ 2995.7 mc_ MLh 3.4 --------
SVIO 0.58 229.2 Sg 06:44:01.956 -0.4 ___ m__ MLh 3.4 --------
HAMIK 0.60 344.4 Pg 06:43:55.532 0.0 ___ 986.2 md_ MLh 3.0 --------
TUE 0.61 109.1 Pg 06:43:55.507 0.0 ___ 3151.9 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
TUE 0.61 109.1 Sg 06:44:03.347 -0.7 ___ m__ --------
WIMIS 0.61 269.6 Pg 06:43:55.352 0.1 ___ 932.7 mc_ MLh 2.9 --------
WIMIS 0.61 269.6 Sg 06:44:03.651 0.1 ___ m__ --------
A062A 0.64 139.9 Pg 06:43:55.948 -0.1 ___ 3716.4 md_ MLh 3.6 --------
A062A 0.64 139.9 Sg 06:44:04.718 -0.2 ___ m__ MLh 3.6 --------
SGAK 0.64 236.4 Pg 06:43:55.738 0.1 ___ 4526.2 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
DAGMA 0.65 329.0 Pg 06:43:56.709 0.2 ___ 1102.8 md_ MLh 3.0 --------
A288A 0.66 182.2 Pg 06:43:56.128 -0.1 ___ 3155.7 md_ MLh 3.5 --------
EWZT2 0.67 359.2 Pg 06:43:56.968 0.2 ___ 6250.3 md_ MLh 3.8 --------
LKBD2 0.67 243.8 Pg 06:43:56.210 -0.2 ___ 1171.3 mc_ MLh 3.1 --------
VDL 0.67 106.2 Pg 06:43:56.631 -0.1 ___ 2841.9 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
SGRA 0.67 224.7 Pg 06:43:56.245 -0.1 ___ 3347.1 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
LKBD 0.67 245.3 Pg 06:43:56.377 0.0 ___ 1802.8 mc_ MLh 3.3 --------
SVAM 0.70 88.1 Pg 06:43:57.103 0.4 ___ 3913.5 mc_ MLh 3.6 --------
ZUR 0.70 3.8 PmP 06:44:00.410 ___ m__ --------
ZUR 0.70 3.8 SmS 06:44:12.077 ___ m__ --------
ZUR 0.70 4.2 Pg 06:43:57.641 0.2 ___ 5200.0 md_ MLh 3.7 --------
ZUR 0.70 4.2 Sg 06:44:07.423 0.1 ___ m__ MLh 3.7 --------
PLONS 0.70 57.1 PmP 06:43:57.087 ___ m__ --------
PLONS 0.70 57.5 Pg 06:43:57.100 0.0 ___ 810.9 mc_ MLh 2.9 --------
SWAS 0.71 50.3 Pg 06:43:57.475 0.3 ___ 3277.2 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
SCHK 0.71 80.4 Pg 06:43:57.409 0.2 ___ 4443.3 mc_ MLh 3.7 --------
MMK 0.73 211.8 Pg 06:43:57.169 -0.1 ___ 1776.5 mc_ MLh 3.3 --------
MMK 0.73 211.8 Sg 06:44:06.839 -0.3 ___ m__ MLh 3.3 --------
SIEB 0.77 241.1 Pg 06:43:58.067 0.0 ___ 1644.5 mc_ MLh 3.3 --------
RAW1 0.78 251.5 Pg 06:43:58.324 0.0 ___ 687.2 mc_ MLh 2.9 --------
VANNI 0.79 234.1 Pg 06:43:58.302 -0.2 ___ 1402.0 mc_ MLh 3.2 --------
SBUB 0.79 52.9 Pg 06:43:58.782 -0.1 ___ 1750.4 mc_ MLh 3.3 --------
WILA 0.79 19.7 SmS 06:44:14.637 ___ m__ --------
WILA 0.79 20.1 Pg 06:43:59.408 0.0 ___ 8250.7 mc_ MLh 4.0 --------
WILA 0.79 20.1 Sg 06:44:10.114 -0.6 ___ m__ --------
SKLW 0.79 3.0 Sg 06:44:10.114 -0.3 ___ 8715.2 m__ MLh 4.0 --------
STSW2 0.81 246.5 Pg 06:43:58.878 -0.1 ___ 1114.0 mc_ MLh 3.1 --------
SBUA2 0.82 53.3 Pg 06:43:59.263 0.1 ___ 5659.6 mc_ MLh 3.8 --------
VARE 0.82 167.8 Pg 06:43:59.498 0.1 ___ 1545.8 md_ MLh 3.3 --------
MUGIO 0.83 154.1 Pg 06:43:59.486 0.1 ___ 999.0 md_ MLh 3.1 --------
STIEG 0.83 6.9 Pg 06:44:00.051 0.0 ___ 4845.3 md_ MLh 3.8 --------
EMMET 0.84 336.5 Pg 06:43:59.820 -0.2 ___ 2026.6 md_ MLh 3.4 --------
STRW 0.84 57.8 Pg 06:43:59.713 0.2 ___ 4426.3 mc_ MLh 3.7 --------
STRW 0.84 57.4 PmP 06:44:03.335 ___ m__ --------
EMMET 0.84 336.3 PmP 06:44:01.873 ___ m__ --------
WOLEN 0.84 292.8 Pg 06:44:00.358 0.5 ___ 1710.2 md_ MLh 3.3 --------
WOLEN 0.84 292.8 Sg 06:44:11.737 0.2 ___ m__ --------
SAYF2 0.85 243.3 Pg 06:43:59.604 0.0 ___ 1359.5 m__ MLh 3.2 --------
BALST 0.86 320.4 Pg 06:44:00.425 0.1 ___ 3868.6 md_ MLh 3.7 --------
BALST 0.87 320.3 PmP 06:44:02.268 ___ m__ --------
SGT04 0.89 39.8 SmS 06:44:17.576 ___ m__ --------
SGT04 0.89 40.1 Pg 06:44:01.019 -0.3 ___ 8495.0 mc_ MLh 4.0 --------
SENIN 0.89 249.9 Pg 06:44:00.293 -0.2 ___ 1203.3 mc_ MLh 3.2 --------
ROTHE 0.90 333.9 Pg 06:44:01.082 0.0 ___ 929.6 md_ MLh 3.1 --------
SULZ 0.90 342.9 Pg 06:44:01.096 -0.1 ___ 2830.1 md_ MLh 3.6 --------
STAF 0.90 279.1 SmS 06:44:17.318 ___ 5432.0 m__ MLh 3.8 --------
SULZ 0.90 342.5 PmP 06:44:02.986 ___ m__ --------
SULZ 0.90 342.5 SmS 06:44:16.063 ___ m__ --------
ROTHE 0.90 333.6 PmP 06:44:02.848 ___ m__ --------
FLACH 0.90 2.7 Pg 06:44:01.282 0.0 ___ 7017.2 m__ MLh 3.9 --------
FLACH 0.90 2.7 Sg 06:44:13.589 -0.3 ___ m__ MLh 3.9 --------
FLACH 0.90 2.4 PmP 06:44:03.209 ___ m__ --------
FLACH 0.90 2.4 SmS 06:44:16.759 ___ m__ --------
SATI 0.92 209.7 Pg 06:44:00.677 0.0 ___ 1146.8 m__ MLh 3.2 --------
WEIN 0.92 20.4 SmS 06:44:17.764 ___ m__ --------
WEIN 0.92 20.7 Pg 06:44:01.720 -0.1 ___ 7649.2 mc_ MLh 4.0 --------
SGT00 0.93 35.8 Pg 06:44:01.934 -0.2 ___ 2594.4 mc_ MLh 3.5 --------
DAVOX 0.94 83.3 Pg 06:44:01.571 0.2 ___ 788.4 mc_ MLh 3.0 --------
DIX 0.97 232.6 Pg 06:44:01.546 -0.2 ___ 831.7 mc_ MLh 3.0 --------
TRULL 0.98 6.6 PmP 06:44:04.516 ___ m__ --------
TRULL 0.98 6.6 SmS 06:44:18.707 ___ m__ --------
TRULL 0.99 7.0 Pg 06:44:02.880 0.0 ___ 4899.2 md_ MLh 3.8 --------
TRULL 0.99 7.0 Sg 06:44:16.033 -0.6 ___ m__ --------
SGT05 1.00 39.8 Pg 06:44:03.414 0.0 ___ 5582.4 mc_ MLh 3.9 --------
SGT05 1.00 39.4 SmS 06:44:20.698 ___ m__ MLh 3.9 --------
A287A 1.05 186.1 Pg 06:44:03.361 0.6 ___ 1413.0 md_ MLh 3.3 --------
METMA 1.06 350.8 P1 06:44:03.661 -0.3 ___ 699.9 md_ MLh 3.0 --------
GRYON 1.06 246.6 Pg 06:44:03.133 -0.3 ___ 508.3 mc_ MLh 2.9 --------
TORNY 1.07 275.5 Pg 06:44:04.541 0.5 ___ 1836.9 mc_ MLh 3.4 --------
BERNI 1.07 103.9 Pg 06:44:03.689 -0.4 ___ 825.4 mc_ MLh 3.1 --------
MATTE 1.08 324.4 Pg 06:44:04.965 0.7 ___ 367.8 m__ MLh 2.7 --------
SLE 1.09 359.3 PmP 06:44:05.860 ___ m__ --------
SLE 1.10 359.7 P1 06:44:04.503 -0.2 ___ 3803.9 md_ MLh 3.8 --------
DAVA 1.12 56.5 P1 06:44:04.945 0.0 ___ 1520.7 m__ MLh 3.4 --------
AIGLE 1.13 253.1 P1 06:44:04.726 0.2 ___ 1090.7 mc_ MLh 3.2 --------
ENDD 1.16 333.7 P1 06:44:05.788 0.1 ___ 454.6 md_ MLh 2.9 --------
SALAN 1.19 243.8 P1 06:44:05.905 -0.1 ___ 331.8 mc_ MLh 2.7 --------
FUORN 1.20 92.4 P1 06:44:06.129 0.1 ___ 472.1 mc_ MLh 2.9 --------
BERGE 1.22 349.8 P1 06:44:06.586 -0.2 ___ 612.1 md_ MLh 3.0 --------
EMING 1.25 10.4 PmP 06:44:08.257 ___ m__ --------
EMING 1.25 10.7 P1 06:44:06.945 -0.4 ___ 2764.5 md_ MLh 3.7 --------
FELD 1.25 344.5 P1 06:44:07.057 -0.1 ___ 453.7 md_ MLh 2.9 --------
FELD 1.25 344.2 PmP 06:44:07.979 ___ m__ --------
TRAV 1.27 204.9 PmP 06:44:07.551 ___ m__ --------
TRAV 1.28 205.2 Pn 06:44:06.726 -0.4 ___ 1186.7 m__ MLh 3.3 --------
BRMO 1.29 98.6 P1 06:44:07.613 -0.3 ___ 358.3 mc_ MLh 2.8 --------
KIZ 1.34 343.1 Pn 06:44:08.184 -0.1 ___ 768.1 md_ MLh 3.2 --------
KIZ 1.35 342.8 PmP 06:44:09.448 ___ m__ --------
OGSI 1.37 243.4 Pn 06:44:08.914 0.0 ___ 337.0 m__ MLh 2.8 --------
CHMF 1.39 294.6 P1 06:44:09.622 0.4 ___ 6806.5 md_ MLh 4.1 --------
BRANT 1.42 280.9 P1 06:44:10.332 0.4 ___ 1245.9 mc_ MLh 3.4 --------
GUT 1.46 16.4 Pn 06:44:09.748 -0.4 ___ 2461.0 md_ MLh 3.7 --------
UBR 1.48 46.9 Pn 06:44:11.418 -0.1 ___ 2069.0 mc_ MLh 3.7 --------
LSD 1.55 218.3 Pn 06:44:11.868 -0.2 ___ 493.9 mc_ MLh 3.1 --------
GIMEL 1.55 265.8 PmP 06:44:13.759 ___ m__ --------
GIMEL 1.55 264.9 Pn 06:44:12.219 0.0 ___ 658.0 mc_ MLh 3.2 --------
RSL 1.65 233.4 Pn 06:44:13.758 0.0 ___ 396.5 mc_ MLh 3.0 --------
BFO 1.67 355.8 Pn 06:44:12.490 ___ 506.3 md_ MLh 3.1 --------
RETA 1.74 61.1 PmP 06:44:16.920 ___ 230.2 m__ MLh 2.8 --------
RIVEL 1.78 272.9 Pn 06:44:15.164 0.6 ___ 2653.0 mc_ MLh 3.9 --------
SARD ___ 1668.7 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SBIS2 ___ 2286.8 __ MLh 3.5 --------
OTTER ___ 1508.1 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SZER ___ 1017.4 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SNIB ___ 4003.9 __ MLh 3.6 --------
SBIF2 ___ 1028.2 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SVEJ ___ 3563.1 __ MLh 3.8 --------
SMAO ___ 1300.4 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SBAM2 ___ 1390.4 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SBGN ___ 4883.8 __ MLh 3.8 --------
MTI03 ___ 3915.3 __ MLh 3.8 --------
SBAS ___ 10882.0 __ MLh 4.0 --------
SBUH ___ 6936.3 __ MLh 3.9 --------
SCEL ___ 2772.1 __ MLh 3.6 --------
SRER ___ 1871.2 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SWIS ___ 6995.0 __ MLh 3.9 --------
SFEL ___ 2016.7 __ MLh 3.4 --------
STGK ___ 5570.1 __ MLh 3.9 --------
SYVP ___ 6206.4 __ MLh 4.1 --------
SSCN ___ 1540.2 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SOLZ ___ 3791.3 __ MLh 3.7 --------
SIOO ___ 2071.1 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SCOU ___ 5661.1 __ MLh 3.9 --------
STEIN ___ 3730.7 __ MLh 3.7 --------
SEPFL ___ 3945.8 __ MLh 3.9 --------
A282A ___ 1117.9 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SBAW ___ 1124.8 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SKRK ___ 4984.3 __ MLh 3.9 --------
A286A ___ 1453.5 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SEMOS ___ 676.3 __ MLh 3.1 --------
SAIRA ___ 1371.8 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SARE ___ 6250.2 __ MLh 4.0 --------
SHEK ___ 6022.0 __ MLh 3.9 --------
BOURR ___ 942.7 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SRHB ___ 1059.7 __ MLh 3.2 --------
MOSI ___ 937.4 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SOLB ___ 4774.5 __ MLh 3.8 --------
SMFL ___ 8980.4 __ MLh 4.0 --------
SDAK ___ 1990.8 __ MLh 3.4 --------
WTTA ___ 283.5 __ MLh 3.1 --------
CIRO ___ 787.8 __ MLh 3.1 --------
SAUR ___ 2304.3 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SCOD ___ 1785.1 __ MLh 3.4 --------
LUSI ___ 1071.1 __ MLh 3.5 --------
CHBM ___ 1686.1 __ MLh 3.4 --------
ESION ___ 2988.5 __ MLh 3.6 --------
SFRA ___ 2303.2 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SWIK ___ 7236.7 __ MLh 3.9 --------
STFL ___ 2000.5 __ MLh 3.6 --------
RISI ___ 596.7 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SCUC ___ 957.2 __ MLh 3.2 --------
ACB ___ 2743.2 __ MLh 3.6 --------
SMOE ___ 1239.5 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SKAF ___ 1106.2 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SDES ___ 1606.8 __ MLh 3.4 --------
KOSI ___ 236.1 __ MLh 2.9 --------
SCHS ___ 2304.4 __ MLh 3.5 --------
SMZW ___ 2188.7 __ MLh 3.5 --------
MTI01 ___ 701.5 __ MLh 3.1 --------
SBIK ___ 14775.2 __ MLh 4.3 --------
STSP ___ 1325.1 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SZUZ ___ 8089.3 __ MLh 3.9 --------
SRHH ___ 1328.7 __ MLh 3.3 --------
A280A ___ 440.8 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SCUG ___ 1491.9 __ MLh 3.2 --------
SNES2 ___ 1113.3 __ MLh 3.2 --------
FETA ___ 230.0 __ MLh 2.7 --------
SLUW ___ 13959.2 __ MLh 3.8 --------
SIOV ___ 1007.1 __ MLh 3.1 --------
SRHE ___ 1183.1 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SBAV ___ 1657.5 __ MLh 3.4 --------
OTER2 ___ 216.9 __ MLh 2.5 --------
MTI02 ___ 684.9 __ MLh 3.0 --------
SIOM ___ 1593.9 __ MLh 3.3 --------
SAPK ___ 3936.0 __ MLh 3.7 --------
ROSI ___ 487.3 __ MLh 3.3 --------
REMY ___ 1366.6 __ MLh 3.4 --------
SLUK ___ 15182.4 __ MLh 3.9 --------
STHK ___ 4527.7 __ MLh 3.6 --------
OG35 ___ 417.6 __ MLh 3.2 --------
PZZ ___ 248.5 __ MLh 3.1 --------

QuakeML format

Ground motion estimates (ShakeMap raw data)

EMS-98 intensity, ESRI shp format
PGA (m/s2), ESRI shp format
PGV (m/s), ESRI shp format
Annonces de séisme

Meldung / Announcement / Annuncio / Annonce Nr: 2
für dieses Ereignis / concernant cet événement / per questo evento / for this event

ERDBEBENMELDUNG des Schweizerischen Erdbebendienstes

Der Schweizerische Erdbebendienst an der ETH Zürich hat im Kanton
Uri, 7 km westlich von Göschenen ein Erdbeben registriert. Das
Beben ereignete sich am 3. Oktober 2016 um 08:43:42 Uhr (Lokalzeit)
mit einer Magnitude von 3.4 auf der Richterskala. Dieses Erdbeben
dürfte in der Nähe des Epizentrums deutlich verspürt worden sein.
Schäden sind bei einem Erdbeben dieser Stärke in der Regel nicht
zu erwarten.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter, wo
Sie auch Ihre Beobachtungen zu diesem Erdbeben melden können.

Achtung: Diese Angaben wurden automatisch berechnet und noch nicht
von einem Seismologen überprüft. Erfahrungsgemäss sind alle unsere
Telefonleitungen nach starken Erdbeben überlastet. Bitte informieren
Sie sich im Internet unter oder hören Sie Radio.

Annonce de TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE du Service Sismologique Suisse

Le Service Sismologique Suisse de l' ETH Zurich a enregistré un
tremblement de terre dans le canton Uri, 7 km a l'ouest de Göschenen.
La secousse a eu lieu le 3 octobre 2016 à 08:43:42 (heure locale)
avec une magnitude de 3.4 sur l'échelle de Richter. Ce tremblement
de terre a pu être ressenti de manière assez forte à proximité
de l'épicentre. En règle générale, on ne s’attend pas à des dégâts
pour un tremblement de terre de cette magnitude.

Pour de plus amples informations, cliquez sur,
on peut également y faire part de ses propres observations concernant
le tremblement de terre.

Attention: Ces données ont été calculées de manière automatique
et n'ont pas encore été vérifiées par un sismologue. D'après notre
expérience, toutes les lignes téléphoniques sont encombrées après
de grands tremblements de terre. Informez-vous sur internet à
l'adresse ou écoutez la radio.

Annuncio di TERREMOTO del Servizio Sismico Svizzero

Il Servizio Sismico Svizzero al Politecnico Federale di Zurigo
ha registrato un terremoto nel cantone Uri, 7 km a ovest di Göschenen.
Il terremoto è avvenuto il 3 ottobre 2016 alle ore 08:43:42 (ora
locale) ed aveva una magnitudo di 3.4 sulla scala Richter. Probabilmente
questo terremoto è stato sentito chiaramente nelle vicinanze dell'epicentro.
Normalmente da un terremoto di questa magnitudo non ci si aspettano

Ulteriori informazioni si trovano sul sito,
dove potete anche comunicare le vostre osservazioni su questo

Attenzione: Queste informazioni sono state calcolate automaticamente
e non sono state verificate da un sismologo. Normalmente in caso
di terremoti forti le nostre linee telefoniche sono sovraccariche.
Vi preghiamo quindi di informarvi all'indirizzo internet
e tramite radio.

EARTHQUAKE announcement from the Swiss Seismological Service

The Swiss Seismological Service at the ETH Zurich has detected
an earthquake in the canton of Uri, 7 km west of Göschenen. The
earthquake occurred on 3 October 2016 at 08:43:42 (local time)
with a magnitude of 3.4 on the Richter scale. This earthquake
is likely to have been clearly felt close to the epicenter. In
general, an earthquake of this magnitude does not cause any damage.

Additional information is available on, where
is also possible to submit felt reports for this earthquake.

Attention: This information has been created automatically and
has not been verified by a seismologist. Based on our experience,
following strong earthquakes our phone lines are overloaded. Please
find more information at or radio broadcasts.

Cet événement sur les cartes interactives de Swisstopo:
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