Settlements only few hundred meters apart can be affected at significantly different levels by the same earthquake. The cause is the local earthquake response, or site amplification, which is determined by the type of soil (e.g. soft sediments or stiff rock) but also by its geometry (a vast plain or a sedimentary basin). In this perspective, the alpine valleys are peculiar geological environments, as the thickness of the sedimentary infill increase from few meters at the margins of the valley bottom to several hundred meters at its centre; this setting determines distinctive earthquake response effects. Besides, valleys are not marginal from the risk point of view, as they can be densely populated and host critical infrastructure for the transport of goods and people across the alpine arch.
In 2019, the earthquake working group of the SIA 261 commission has therefore recommended the execution of a baseline study on the topic of earthquake local response in alpine valleys. later included in the federal measures for earthquake risk management (BAFU, 2020). This research project directly addresses such recommendation; it aims i) at a systematic investigation of amplification effects of seismic waves in the alpine valleys of Switzerland and ii) at the development of a proposal for their consideration in the next revision of the SIA 261 building code.
Project Leader at SED
Donat Fäh
SED Project Members
Paolo Bergamo
Research Partners
Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Swiss Seismological Service (SED), Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA)
Funding Source
FOEN (Federal Office for the Environment)
Earthquake site response, alpine valleys, building codes
Research Field
Engineering seismology
Arbeitsgruppe Erdbeben der Normenkommission SIA 261 (2019). Aktualisierung der Erdbebeneinwirkungen der Norm SIA 261:2014 Bericht z.H. der Normkommission SIA 261 und der Kommission für technische Normen (KTN). Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU Abteilung Gefahrenprävention Referenz/Aktenzeichen: S041-0132, 26.03.2019
Bundesamt für Umwelt (2020). Erdbebenrisikomanagement - Massnahmen des Bundes. Bericht an den Bundesrat. Standbericht und Planung für den Zeitraum 2021 bis 2024. Bundesamt für Umwelt, Dezember 2020.
Bergamo P., et al. (2023a). A database for the empirical observation and characterization of earthquake site effects in alpine valleys. EGU General Assembly 2023. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6904
Bergamo P., et al. (2023b). Ongoing work for the study of site amplification phenomena in the Swiss alpine valleys and their implication for the Swiss building code. 21st Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Mendrisio. doi: