The SED's seismic network records continuous data in real-time from over 200 permanent stations in Switzerland and an additional approximately 50 permanent stations in neighbouring regions, as well as from temporary stations set up for various projects. We also can retrieve data from a dozen dial-up strong motion stations that record only during strong earthquakes when in proximity to the epicenter, though this network is no longer actively maintained.
The majority of this huge dataset, which includes broadband, strong motion and short period seismic data, is openly available in near real-time to the public and the scientific community.
SED waveforms can be accessed through a variety of tools that are described below.
Images of recent ground shaking across Switzerland are available on regularly updated images. These display the ground motion velocity being recorded within seconds of real-time at selected CHNet seismic stations across Switzerland. The location of the stations shown can be seen in the network maps.
Various time periods are provided to see different time windows for recent ground shaking across Switzerland:
The entire waveform archive is accessible in raw mseed waveform format using fdsnws-dataselect.
More information is found on the FDSN Web Services section.
Swiss waveform data is available through various interactive portals. The SED offer access to all waveform data in our archives via:
The SED is also part of ORFEUS EIDA, and acts as EIDA node gateway for all data collected by Swiss groups. Swiss data that is unrestricted is accessible on two similar EIDA portals:
All data sets managed by SED have DOIs (Digital Object Identifier) associated with their seismic network according to the standard procedure approved in 2014 by the FDSN. Please use all relevant DOI either directly in the paper as a reference, in your acknowledgments or directly, as appropriate.
Read also: Why Seismic Networks Need Digital Object Identifiers