RT-RAMSIS is a joint CTI project between the Swiss Seismological Service SED and GeoEnergie Suisse AG. It builds on research results from previous joint research projects GEOSIM and GEOBEST. We are developing and validating a near real time hazard and risk assessment framework for induced seismicity in geothermal projects. With fluid injection rates and micro-earthquakes recorded in near real-time and prepared as input, the framework uses statistical and hybrid statistical-hydromechanical ensemble models to forecast seismicity in six hour intervals. Subsequent stages then compute probabilistic seismic hazard and risk estimates based on different injection scenarios and thereby help the operator to balance risk and reservoir stimulation efficiency.
Core research activities in this project are in the development of fast, reliable and precise micro-earthquake detection algorithms, in the assessment and weighting of forecast model performance and in the enhancement and validation of statistical and mechanical seismic forecast models.
Project Leader at SED
Stefan Wiemer
SED Project Members
Lukas Heiniger, Dimitrios Karvounis, Daniel Armbruster
Funding Source
1.1.2016 – 30.6.2019
Induced Seismicity, advance traffic light system, seismic hazard and risk, anthropogenic seismici-ty, deep underground, ensemble modeling