The general objective of this EC-FP7 funded joint project was to improve the efficiency of real time earthquake risk mitigation methods and its capability of protecting structures, infrastructures and people. REAKT aimed at establishing the best practice on how to use jointly all the information coming from earthquake forecast, early warning and real time vulnerability assessment. All this information needs to be combined in a fully probabilistic framework, including realistic uncertainties estimations, to be used for decision making in real time.
REAKT used a system-level earthquake science approach that required that the various temporal scales of relevance for hazard and risk mitigation in the various WPs are integrated through common tools, databases and methods.
Our group was involved in the Work Package 2: Physics of short term seismic changes and its use for large earthquakes predictability. The key objective was to improve short-term forecasting of large earthquakes through the monitoring of the seismic and strain activity within specific fault systems. We contributed with the monitoring system, which has been installed in the Valais region including dense seismic network, GPS, geochemical and geomagnetic sensors. Special attention was paid to the analysis of seismic swarms.