In collaboration with the University of Lausanne and the Earthquake Prevention Learning Centre (CPPS) in Sion, the SED is currently developing teaching modules on various earthquake-related topics, primarily for secondary and cantonal schools. To ensure high quality, the modules undergo professional testing and are trialled in classrooms before being published.
Content overview: Causes of earthquakes, earthquake waves, magnitude and intensity, effects, early earthquake warning, protective measures and recommended behaviour
Content overview: Hazard vs. risk, earthquake hazard and risk in Switzerland, Europe and the world, earthquake risk tool, rapid damage assessments and scenarios
Content overview: Earthquake prediction, misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories and media literacy
Content overview: Geothermal energy, CO2 capture and storage
Content overview: (Broadband-)seismometer, RaspberryShake seismometer and tools, Swiss seismic network, earthquake localisation, Jupyter-Notebooks
Teaching about earthquakes
Source: IRIS
What if there's an earthquake?
Age group: kindergarten and primary school
Source: edurisk
Earthquake lesson
Age group: primary school
Source: edurisk
Earthquakes how and why
Age group: secondary school
Source: edurisk
New Zealand natural hazard teaching resources
Quelle: crisislab, NZ
Sismos à l’école: ressources éducatives
Source: Sciences à l'école
Fiches pédagogiques sur l’origine et les effets des séismes
Quelle: L’ObservaTerre
Unterrichtsmaterial: Daueraustellung focusTerra
Source: focusTerra
Gruppenarbeit: Epizentrum eines Erdbebens
Die wichtigsten Grundbegriffe zum Thema Erdbeben werden in dieser Gruppenarbeit erlernt. Mit Hilfe des erworbenen Wissens bestimmen die Schülerinnen und Schüler selber das Epizentrum eines Erdbebens.
Source: EducETH
Google Earth, Erdbeben und Plattentektonik
Schülerinnen und Schüler untersuchen die globale und regionale Verteilung von Erdbeben mithilfe von Google Earth.
Erdbeben, Erdbebenstaerke und Opferzahlen
In Gruppenarbeiten untersuchen Schülerinnen und Schüler die Erdbeben von Haiti 2010, Christchurch, Neuseeland 2011 und Sendai, Japan 2011 verglichen.