Various databases provide access to earthquake data from stations in Switzerland, Europe and around the world. This data offers the opportunity to carry out your own analyses or to use it for school projects.

Picture for Earthquake data for school projects

Swiss Seismological Service

Recent earthquakes in Switzerland, Europe and the World

Seismogramme der seismischen Stationen in der Schweiz 


European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC)

Earthquakes in the Mediterranean region and worldwide


U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Recent earthquakes worldwide with magnitude 2.5 or greater


Observatories & Research Facilities for European Seismology (ORFEUS)

Earthquakes in Europe


EarthScope Consortium

Visualisation and download of seismograms worldwide

Earthquake reports on significant earthquakes worldwide for school lessons

Interactive earthquake map

Propagation path of seismic wave phases (3D), animated: Seismic waves 3D

Propagation path of seismic wave phases (2D): Seismic phases

Visualisation of the underground movement for selected earthquake, animated: Wave fields



Earthquake list world

Interactive map


Raspberry Shake


Real-time seismograms

Sound recording of seismograms, web app (account required): Sound


Earthquake institutions abroad

List of selected international earthquake services and institutions.


Further links and literature on earthquakes can be found on the page ‘Earthquake literature’.