Here you will find a collection of excursions, activities and experiments for school lessons as well as ideas for school projects and Matura theses on the subject of earthquakes.
focusTerra – das Earth & Science Discovery Center der ETH Zürich
Earthquake Prevention Learning Center in Sion (CPPS)
TecDays: For Swiss secondary schools
Scientifica: Largest science festival from the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich
GEOL: Geological excursions in western Switzerland
Shake it up with Seismographs: design your own seismograph
Classroom activities: 13 fun earthquake experiments for schools
Quelle: British Geological Survey
Museumskoffer «die Erde bebt» ausleihen
Quelle: Naturhistorisches Museum Basel
Wie baut man einen Erdbeben-Tisch?
Quelle: GEOlino
Was passiert mit sandigen oder feinkörnigen Böden, wenn sie von einem Erdbeben erschüttert werden?
Seismische Wellen mit einem Treppenläufer imitieren
Quelle: Cambridge Volcano Seismology, YouTube
Comment un séisme se propage t-il ?
Quelle : Billes de sciences, YouTube
L’échelle de mesure des dégâts d’un séisme
Quelle : Billes de sciences, YouTube
Construire des bâtiments résistants
Quelle : Billes de sciences, YouTube
Quelques manipulations simples pour comprende les mouvements tetoniques
Quelle :
Liquefazione del suolo spiegata con sabbia scossa
Quelle: Rizzoli Education, YouTube
There are many exciting questions related to the topic of earthquakes that are suitable for a Matura thesis or school projects:
Whenever possible, we support Matura thesis projects and school projects with our expertise. Feel free to send inquiries via email: seismo_at_school[at]