The remit of ETH Zurich's Swiss Seismological Service (SED) is laid down in the following laws, Federal Council decrees and ordinances:

2020 Federal council resolution of December, 11, 2020, concerning earthquake precaution measures taken by the federal government for the period 2021 – 2024.
2017 Federal council resolution of June, 16, 2017, concerning earthquake precaution measures taken by the federal government for the period 2017 – 2020.
2015 On 21 January 2015, the Swiss Federal Council approved the application for Switzerland's participation in the second GEM Working Programme.
2013 Federal council resolution of January, 30, 2013, concerning earthquake precaution measures taken by the federal government for the period 2013 – 2016.
2010 Regulation of October 20, 2010, concerning the organization of ABC- and natural disaster operations.
2010 Regulation of August 18, 2010, concerning warnings and alerts.
2010 Federal council resolution of May 26, 2010, concerning participation in the international research project “Global Earthquake Model (GEM)“
2009 Federal council resolution of February 18th, 2009, concerning the renewal and financing of the Swiss strong-motion monitoring network.
2009 Federal council resolution of April 1, 2009, concerning earthquake precaution measures taken by the federal government for the period 2009 – 2012.
1996 Federal council resolution of September 16, 1996, concerning the verification of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and cooperation with the CTBTO.
1990 Federal council resolution of August 29, 1990, concerning the establishment of two national earthquake monitoring networks.
1956 Federal law (SR 414.113) of December 7, 1956, which established the SED at ETH Zurich and tasked it with monitoring earthquake activity in Switzerland, conducting and publishing research on earthquakes and contributing to international seismological projects.
1914 Federal council resolution of July 8, 1914, concerning the salary of staff working at the seismological service.
1913 Federal law of December 19, 1913, concerning the extension of duties of the Swiss Meteorological Service (Meteorologische Zentralanstalt)


On the basis of these laws and resolutions an agreement between the ETH Zurich, the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, and the SED has been reached. This agreement specifies the structure and financing of the SED within the ETH Zurich framework.