Hotel Schatzalp
A limited number of rooms with double occupancy is available at Hotel Schatzalp, which is the conference venue. Whenever suitable, please share a room with a colleague allowing more participants to stay at Schatzalp.
Costs incl. breakfast:
single room (only 5 available): 130 – 160 CHF
Double room with single occupancy: 190 – 280 CHF
To book a room, send an email to using the code "CH Erdbebendienst". The rooms at Hotel Schatzalp are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Hotel Europe
Additional rooms in the same price range are available at Hotel Europe in case the Schatzalp hotel is already sold out or if you would want to stay at Davos town.
To book a room, send an email to using the code “ETH Event Schatzalp”.