In a project divided into two phases, Switzerland is in the process of modernizing and expanding its strong motion network. The stations of the network are suitable, above all, for recording relatively strong earthquakes. They are located primarily in the densely populated regions of Switzerland and in areas with elevated seismic hazard.
Read more...On June 24, 2013, the last of 30 strong motion network stations of the first phase went online and, since that time, has continuously been transmitting data to the Swiss Seismological Service in Zurich. These data are used to assess the current seismicity and the site-specific ground movement during earthquakes. In addition, geophysical measurements will be used at each of the sites to determine the characteristics of the geological subsurface and ascertain how it behaves in the event of an earthquake. This site characterization of the 30 new stations will be completed by the end of the year.
Work on the second phase, which involves the installation of another 70 stations by 2018, began in June of this year. It is funded by the Federal Office for the Environment.
Further information on the modernization of the strong motion network