
Development of the Emilia-Romagna earthquake sequence

The earthquake activity in the Po Valley in the Emilia-Romagna region has decreased over the last couple of weeks, a typical development of an earthquake (aftershock) sequence.

Earthquakes are still recorded every day, most of them with Magnitudes below 3 and thus too weak to be felt. Information about the current situation can be found at the INGV Blog (in Italian).

So far no significant increase of earthquake activity was observed in the wider area or on the coast of the Adriatic. A map of the recent earthquake activity in Italy can be found here.

Nevertheless further earthquakes, even stronger ones, might occur in the future and again cause damages. In general the earthquake hazard in Italy is higher than in Switzerland.

In both countries, however, strong earthquakes may occur at any time anywhere, independent of the current events.

The SED cannot provide any advice concerning travel in the region. In the central and eastern Mediterranean region earthquakes may occur anytime.

The Italian Tourism Office provides further information about the earthquake effects in the Emilia-Romagna region.General information about earthquake hazard and risk in Italy is provided by Protezione Civile in English and Italian.


Blog INGV (in Italian)

Map recent earthquake activity Italy

Italian Tourism Office

Civil Defense (Protezione Civile)