Mass movements

This page lists all events detected by the seismic network of the Swiss Seismological Service that are associated with mass movements. This includes landslides, rockfalls, debris falls, mudslides, or rock avalanches. The list is not exhaustive, only events that are clearly visible in the seismic data are included. Some events are externally confirmed and indicated as 'confirmed' in the last column.

The origin time of mass movements can be determined to the second. In contrast to earthquakes, their location is very uncertain and can deviate several kilometres from the actual location. This is due to the seismic signals typical of mass movements, which lack the clear, impulsive phase arrivals typical of earthquakes. Mass movement seismograms are comparably long lasting and characterised by broad envelopes of seismic energy. The magnitude is purely indicative and calculated using the scale defined for local Swiss earthquakes.