Lorena Kuratle

“The potential role of emerging technologies to enhance safety culture.” The goal of my research is to understand how societies and specifically the most vulnerable of them can benefit from the use of technologies for disaster risk reduction and thus be better prepared for them.

  • MSc in Environmental Science with Major in Environmental Systems and Policy, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
    Thesis: “Under the weather? How Swiss organizations perceive weather and adapt to its climatic changes”

Two internships

  • ProNatura Centre Aletsch in Environmental Education
  • Ressource Management in the Federal Office for Energy

Voluntary work at ETH Zurich

  • Teaching commission D-USYS: Since 2016, first as a student now staff
  • Solidarity fund for foreign students: Since 2019, representative of VSETH
  • Diversity committee at D-USYS: Since 2023, founder and active member
  • Member of Hochschulversammlung: Since 2024, representative of AVETH

Kuratle, L. D., Dallo, I., Marti, M., & Stauffacher, M. (2024). What does my technology facili-tate? A toolbox to help researchers understand the societal impact of a technology in the con-text of disasters. Seismica, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.26443/seismica.v3i1.1144