For experts, the SED provides different components of the hazard model SUIhaz15 on the data portal of the European Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk EFEHR. The portal provides interactive access to the different products of the model (maps, hazard curves, uniform hazard spectra), as well as the option to download data. It also features additional expert background information and links.
You can also find all of the background information on Switzerland’s earthquake hazard model, which was published in September 2015, in the comprehensive SUIhaz2015 report. The report explains why Switzerland needs an up-to-date seismic hazard model and provides information about the potential strength of earthquakes and where they may occur in the future. Building on this information, the report documents how and under which assumptions the seismic hazard model was calculated, summarizes the main findings, and compares these to other models. It also provides information about the various products that are based on the results of SUIhaz2015.