The Earthquake Early Warning Display (EEWD) is a free and open-source Java software to display earthquake early warning (EEW). The EEWD was developed as part of a European effort led by the Swiss Seismological Service at ETH Zurich. The EEWD is client-side software that can receive alerts generated by multiple EEW algorithms used in Europe, which include VS and FinDer through the ESE framework but also Presto. EEWD can use local ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs), ground-motion-to-intensity conversion equations (GMICEs), and local site effect information. In addition to real-time operations, the EEWD can replay recorded real-time earthquake alerts and play scenarios. The EEWD can be viewed as a tool to broadcast real-time or near-real-time information to end users, including, but not restricted to, EEW alerts.
The EEWD was originally developed in project REAKT. Current and future versions and releases will be based on collaborative code development through GitHub ( The EEWD is already operated by selected academic and/or research institutions and private and public stakeholders in the Euro-Mediterranean region and in Central America.