Lots of people find it easier to understand texts in plain language.
So, this website now offers
information about earthquakes in plain language.
These topics are available in plain language:
Everyone should be able to access important topics.
For example, one important topic is:
natural dangers.
Earthquakes are a natural danger.
Earthquakes can be dangerous.
This is why you need to know about earthquakes.
How to access the topics in plain language:
Click on the ‘plain language’ symbol.
This is located at the top.
Or click on this link:
Information about earthquakes in plain language.
People with learning difficulties, cognitive impairments, a different native language, or illnesses such as dementia often find it difficult to understand texts. Plain language is a tool that enables these people to inform themselves independently and act accordingly. This is particularly relevant for topics such as earthquakes, which affect the entire population. Together with the Pro Infirmis Office for Plain Language (Büro für Leichte Sprache in German), the Swiss Seismological Service has translated information about earthquakes in Switzerland and recommended behaviour into plain language and tested it with the target group. The texts are available in German, English, French, and Italian.