The following figures show the seismograms of the monitoring stations in the Vinzel area. The seismograms show the temporal variation of the ground movement (vibration velocity), which was recorded within the last five minutes at the earthquake stations VINZL (GEOBEST), MESRY (GEOBEST), LADOL (SDSNet) and GIMEL (SDSNet).

The times indicated on the horizontal axes correspond to world time (UTC). In Switzerland, the normal time is Central European Time (CET), which adds one hour to the UTC. During Central European Summer Time (CEST) the time difference to UTC is plus two hours.

The vertical axes indicate the ground speeds in micrometers per second (μm/s). The seismograms are filtered before display (bandpass filters from 2 to 10 Hz) to make small local earthquakes more visible.

Vinzel: Seismograms of the last 5 minutes

Waveforms of the last 5 Minutes

Vinzel:Seismograms of the last 20 minutes

Waveforms of the last 20 Minutes