SED role and mandate

From the early 1990s, SED experts were involved in scientific preparations for the CTBT and planning of the monitoring system. After Switzerland signed the treaty in 1996, the SED was designated as the National Data Centre for the CTBT. Since then, the SED, together with the Spiez Laboratory of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS), which is responsible for radionuclide measurements, has also provided the scientific experts for the CTBTO's technical working group.

The SED's various tasks in the context of Switzerland's participation in the CTBT were defined in a 1996 Federal Council decree submitted jointly by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA):

  • Operating the DAVOX station as part of the International Monitoring System
  • Operating the National Data Centre
  • Participating in relevant working groups and activities
  • Providing information to the authorities and conducting thematic research

The SED also represents Switzerland at meetings of Working Group B at the Vienna International Centre (VIC).