With the nationwide, multilingual seismo@school programme, we want to contribute to education about earthquakes, earthquake hazards and earthquake risks in Switzerland and worldwide, strengthen STEM subjects in schools and promote national and international school partnerships.
The initiative is based on a project launched a few years ago by the University of Lausanne and the HES-SO Valais-Wallis, in which 22 schools in the cantons of Valais and Vaud are involved. Thanks to a two-year AGORA project ‘Promoting earthquake awareness in Switzerland’ funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the SED has been able to extend this programme to the whole of Switzerland since 2023.
The long-term vision is a nationwide seismo@school programme that includes multilingual teaching materials, regular activities for teachers and international cooperation. This programme is a decisive step towards promoting earthquake preparedness and earthquake knowledge among young people, which will ultimately contribute to a society that is better prepared for earthquakes in the future.
Further information about the seismo@school project can be found in the project description. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us by e-mail: seismo_at_school[at]sed.ethz.ch.