Field | Value |
Event on |
Event on | 2024-06-27 03:06, Laufenburg, Magnitude 4.2 |
The values given here regarding the anticipated consequences of an earthquake are automatically generated based on assumptions derived from the earthquake risk model of Switzerland (ERM-CH23) and do not reflect the actual situation. Consequently, the modelled values may vary considerably from the observed ones. Therefore, all information is provided without warranty and is subject to change.
The earthquake risk model of Switzerland was developed by the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH Zurich in collaboration with the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP).
Local time | |
Date | |
Hypocentral depth [km] | |
Magnitude | [] |
Assessment | |
Latitude/Longitude | |
Swiss coordinates |
The map shows the expected effects of an earthquake described in intensities. The intensity describes the strength of an earthquake based on the extent of the impact and the subjective perception of a person.
An intensity map is automatically produced based on various data, including the peak ground accelerations and ground velocities recorded at the seismic stations, local site conditions, and empirical instrumental intensity models.
The extent of moderate to destructive damage to buildings per canton and in the Principality of Liechtenstein is very likely to fall within the coloured range.
The percentage corresponds to the average proportion of damaged buildings per canton.