The Swiss Seismological Service at the ETH is closely associated with the Institute of Geophysics and the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at ETH Zurich, but operates as an off-department entity under direct control of the Vice President for Research of ETH Zurich.

The Director of the Swiss Seismological Service, Prof. Stefan Wiemer, is supported by the Deputy Director, Dr. Florian Haslinger. In addition, an executive committee consisting of the different section and unit leaders oversees the various activities of the Swiss Seismological Service.

Monitoring, alerting, and analysis

The section deals with all aspects of network seismology and related science, from earthquake early warning (EEW) to fully curated earthquake catalogues. Its main task is the monitoring, analysis, and documentation of the seismicity of Switzerland. Additionally, the section plans and operates local network densifications near industrial activities that could cause seismicity, such as geothermal projects and tunnel construction, and offers specialised seismicity monitoring and warning. It also provides software for real-time seismology, which is widely used across Europe and worldwide.

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Earthquake hazard and risk

The section analyses earthquake hazard and risk in Switzerland. The findings are used, for example, to design standards for earthquake-resistant construction. At the European level, the section is involved in the assessment of seismic hazard and risk and hosts the European Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk (EFEHR). It also deals with earthquake-triggered phenomena such as rockfalls, landslides, soil liquefaction, and lake tsunamis.

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Earthquake processes

The section focuses on the fundamental understanding of earthquakes. The focus is on the physical processes around the occurrence of earthquakes, which are investigated both on a laboratory scale and in large-scale projects. Thematically, the section deals with earthquake processes in the fields of geothermal energy, CO2 storage, and underground disposal of nuclear waste. Data are collected, analysed, modeled, and new technologies and instruments are developed.

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The section encompasses a wide range of activities in the areas of communication, finance, accounting, and administration as well as IT and technology. It ensures the smooth operation of the SED as a national earthquake service and top-class research institution.

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National and international organisations and initiatives

The Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH Zurich promotes and participates in numerous national and international initiatives and long-term projects of national importance.