The AutoDRM software was developed at the SED in the early 1990s in the context of the scientific work to prepare the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, mainly by Urs Kradolfer. It is an email-based data exchange software that became a widely used and supported standard in seismology for many years. While in the scientific community AutoDRM has now largely been replaced by modern webservices, the software is still used for message-based data exchange at the CTBTO International Data Center. The description below and the original code are provided mainly for historical reasons. The text was last modified in 2003.

An AutoDRM (Automatic Data Request Manager) is a software package, that allows anyone with access to electronic mail to retrieve data from the site where such an AutoDRM is installed.

Check it out by sending an e-mail to: [mailaddress]@[] with the text 'help'. You will then immediately and automatically get more information via e-mail. The Users Guide is also available here.

AutoDRM is now a widely used method to retrieve earthquake information (including waveform data) from seismological observatories. Besides the original 'standard' most AutoDRMs today understand requests in the so-called GSE2.0 format and their response mails are also in this format. The GSE2.0 format was developed by members of the GSE (Group of Scientific Experts at the Conference on disarmament), representatives of the FDSN (Federation on Digital Seismographic Networks), and representatives of the U.S. Geological Survey.

More information about the Swiss AutoDRM can be found in:

Kradolfer, U., AutoDRM - The First Five Years,
Seism. Res. Let., 67, pp. 30-33, 1996.

Kradolfer, U., Automating the Exchange of Earthquake Information,
EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. U., vol. 74, pp. 442,444-445, 1993.

More information about the general AutoDRM message concept and a detailed description of the formats can be found on the Autodrm documentation page. The GSE2.0 format explained there is also supported by the Swiss AutoDRM.


There are some minimum requirements for all AutoDRM installations, which have been agreed on at several occasions by the seismological community.

The most important issue is, that each AutoDRM must send an answer to the word 'HELP' in the message body. Even if you operate an AutoDRM, where users have to be registered first, such an AutoDRM should respond to a HELP-message and tell the requestor, what has to be done in order to obtain data. Only AutoDRM installations, which fulfill this absolute minumum requirement, are entitled to have an e-mail address of the form autodrm@anyhost.anydomain.

For the 'Basic Message Support' and other minimum requirements, please check the Documentation page and specifically read Chapter 5 starting at page 125 (if you use AcrobatReader) or page 117 if you print this document.

It is especially important, that every AutoDRM returns waveform data in the GSE-format. Any other formats may also be supported, but it has been agreed that even a simple AutoDRM must support the GSE2.0/GSE2.1 format as the main format for all requests, as well as one of the ASCII sub-formats (INT, CM6, or AU6) for waveforms. Any other formats can be supported in addition.


There is a short User Guide available with examples of request mails for users of AutoDRM.

Documentation on how to install the software is provided further below.

The detailed formats of both the new AutoDRM message format as well as the full description of other formats (such as WAVEFORM, etc.) is available in a document by the GSE (Group of Scientific Experts at the Conference on Disarmament): FORMATS AND PROTOCOLS FOR DATA EXCHANGE (Conference Room Paper 243, Volume 2 Operations, Annex 3). This document is available as PDF here.  

Issues related to AutoDRM are contained in the chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5. The format description of the GSE2.1 Format (1997) is available as PDF here.


The description on how to install the complete AutoDRM package is available in the ASCII file install_autodrm.txt, and the complete package is available as a compressed UNIX tar-file: autodrm_3.00beta.tar.tar (download and store this file locally on your computer).

The package runs on UNIX-Systems such as HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, AIX, OSF1, and Linux and includes documentation on how to install the software. An initial version usually is installed within a few minutes.

The software is free, but if you feel it is appropriate, you may consider to pay back by citing one of the articles on AutoDRM, when you publish papers containing results where this software was useful to you:

Kradolfer, U., AutoDRM - The First Five Years,
Seism. Res. Let., 67, pp. 30-33, 1996.

Kradolfer, U., Automating the Exchange of Earthquake Information,
EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. U., vol. 74, pp. 442,444-445, 1993.


New features of version V3.00beta (19 July 2003):

  • subr. spamcheck added
  • added new rules to subr. spamcheck

New features of version V3.00alpha (29 April 2002 - not widely announced):

  • Modified subr. convtime: check for more parameters in date/time for meaningful values
  • program splitmailfile.f modified (see there)
  • there *must* be a blank between EMAIL and e-mail address
  • code modified and added for anti-spam measures
  • anti-spam measures modified (allow 'BEGIN GSE')
  • in subr. filecheck allow Outlook Express headers...
  • in subr. filecheck allow more Outlook Express headers

New features of version V2.99 (12 May 2001):

  • Variable 'wrongtask' is now reset, if taskline contains an illegal character (avoid infinite loop)

New features of version V2.98 (23Mar2001):

  • Modified and Configure for Solaris 5.6
  • Modified writewaves4u_local.f: removed unneeded variables

New features of version V2.97 (21 March 2001):

  • If a line in a request mail contains one of the following characters <>;$ or if the line starts with '-' write an error message and go to the next line
  • Magnitude_TypeList is now given to subroutine writebulletin and is also correctly read in the main program. So, file writebulletin_local.f has changed!
  • The scripts and in the ~/adm directory were modified, so that they also work properly if the current working directory (.) is not in the PATH

New features of version V2.96 (18 February 2001):

  • Configure script now also works if current directory ( . ) is not in the PATH
  • Subr. checkfordifferentmail modified: program diff is not in /bin/diff under Linux
  • AutoDRM e-mail address is now also included in the file ~/adm/autodrm.rc - therefore this file has changed (added one line)

New features of version V2.95 (08 August 2000):

  • writewaves4u_local was missing in the distribution

Major new features of version V2.94 (03 June 2000):

  • Allow parallel processing of requests; see new file
  • GSE-format has two meanings: 1) for the way of how AutoDRMs 'speak' to each other and 2) how waveform- or bulletin data is sent. Now we introduce separate variables for these cases (waveformformat & bulletinformat). This requires changes in the subrs. writewaveform and writebulletin !
  • Subr. ftphandler modifified: if 'INTER' is set, send file to pub-Directory of the anonymous ftp-account
  • Subr. getmsgid modified: read until BEGIN is found, not only until end of header. For compliance with the S/MIME standard. Thanks to David Salzberg, CMR.

New features of version V2.9 (17 June 98):

  • Operating systems Linux and OSF1 added in subr. init
  • Substitution of logcial 'gse2format' by character*10 gseformat to accomodate for future formats
  • Added the feature to request data types bulletin, origin, arrival, etc.

New features of version V2.84 (14 November 97):

  • Filesize of sent mails is now computed using an awk-script, thus making it independent from UNIX-platforms (allowing also for HP-UX 10.2).

New features of version V2.83 (4 May 97):

  • Subr. TIMECLEAR was not part of the code; now it is.
  • Automatic determination of operating system improved for Solaris 5.5 and higher.
  • Subr. FTPHANDLER modified, so that temporary files are automaitcally removed.
  • All code modified for usage on Linux and using the g77-compiler.