Research title and goals

"Evaluation and modeling of gas transport in low permeable rocks”. My goal is to better understand gas flow mechanisms in low permeable rocks such as the Opalinus Clay, for purposes such as CO2 storage and nuclear waste repositories, using coupled hydro-mechanical models.

  • BSc in Earth Science, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
    Thesis: A modelling-based approach to the geothermal energy potential of Svalbard, Norway (University Centre in Svalbard, Utrecht University)
  • MSc in Geophysics at University of Iceland (Iceland)
    Thesis: Modelling geothermally induced ground deformation: thermo-poro-elasticity model for the 2005 - 2008 period in the Reykjanes geothermal field, SW Iceland (University of Iceland)

Senger, K., Nuus, M., Balling, N., Betlem, P., Birchall, T., Christi-ansen, H. H., ... & Thomas, P. J. (2023). The subsurface thermal state of Svalbard and implications for geothermal poten-tial. Geothermics, 111, 102702.