ETH Employees DB ERROR: "personendetail.keine.gueltige.persid" (for persID = 290359)

I am working at the SED ETHZ as a postdoctoral researcher since May 2021.

My research focuses on monitoring earthquakes for understanding earthquake physics and mitigating earthquake hazards. At SED I'm currently working on developing machine-learning (ML) based methods for the real-time monitoring of injection-induced microseismic events during enhanced geothermal stimulations. I am also interested in developing and utilizing data-based or physical-based methods for exploring the Earth's interior.


  • 2019: University of Leeds, PhD in Earth Science. Thesis: Microseismic Full Waveform Modeling and Location. Advisor: Dr. Andy Nowacki, Dr. Sebastian Rost, and Dr. Doug Angus
  • 2015: China University of Petroleum, Beijing. Master in Geophysics
  • 2012: China University of Petroleum, Beijing. Bachelor in Geophysics

Work experience

  • 2021 - present: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zurich, with Prof. Stefan Wiemer, working on the DEEP project
  • 2019 - 2021: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ISTerre, University of Grenoble Alpes, with Dr. Piero Poli, working on an ERC starting grant: MONIFAULT
  • since 05.2021: DEEP (Innovation for De-Risking Enhanced Geothermal Energy Projects). Advisor: Prof. Stefan Wiemer
  • 03.2019 - 02.2021: MONIFAULT (Monitoring real faults towards their critical state). European Research Council (ERC) H2020 Starting Grant. Advisor: Dr. Piero Poli