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You will be on vacation, on a business trip or for any other reason out of the office and would like to automatically send a message to those who send an e-mail to you? Then you should consider to use the program 'vacation' and to make appropriate configurations.

On Debian (Sarge) you simply enter: apt-get install vacation
Then you have to do two things: Create a message that will be sent to those who send e-mail to you, and second, configure how this should be done.

1. Creating the auto-respond message

Create an email message that will be sent to those, who send e-mail to you while you are away from e-mail.
For this purpose you must create a file in your home-directory with the name .vacation.msg (note the leading '.' in the filename!) with the following content:

From: username@host.domain (Your Name)
Subject: Out of the office
Delivered-By-The-Graces-Of: The Vacation program
Precedence: bulk

I am out of the office until 23 August 2004.
Your mail concerning "$SUBJECT"
will be read when I'm back.

In urgent cases, you may contact Mr. Brian Helper (helper@your.domain)

Your Name
Please note, that in the example above you should modify 'username@host.domain' to your real e-mail address. And also modify 'Your Name' with your own name. Of course, you also should modify the following text after the header (which is needed) to be sent according to your needs.
See also man vacation

2 a. Simple forwarding

Should you use 'simple forwarding' (i.e. you have no .procmailrc active or anything else, which processes your e-mails automatically), you should create a file in your home-directory with the name '.forward' (note the leading '.' in the filename. This file should look as follows:
\peter, "|/usr/bin/vacation -a peter.miller -a p.miller peter"
where the names after the '-a' parameter(s) are all your e-mail aliases and where the last word (here 'peter'; whithout preceeding '-a') is your actual login-name.

2 b. Advanced forwarding

Should you have 'advanced forwarding' already enabled (e.g. through procmail because you are running SpamAssassin) you should use one of the two possibilities described on The easier of the two options provided there is described here. Add the following into your existing file .procmailrc in your home-directory:

## Start stuff vor vacation program
# enter each alias with "-a aliasname" and at the *end* the login name !
:0 c
| /usr/bin/vacation -a peter.miller -a p.miller peter
## End stuff vor vacation program
Should you use a .procmailrc as described on then you should include the lines above between the following lines in your existing .procmailrc:

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

## Start stuff vor vacation program
# enter each alias with "-a aliasname" and at the *end* the login name !
:0 c
| /usr/bin/vacation -a peter.miller -a p.miller peter
## End stuff vor vacation program

# End of :0 E wrapper around BYPASSWD

Last Update: 05Aug2004 uk   -   Created: 05Aug2004

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