Konsole Setup

Konsole Setup


Under KDE-versions below 2 probably the kvt terminal was maybe one of the best. Under KDE 2.0.1 the default terminal is Konsole 1.0.1 and there are many possibilities to setup this terminal.
However, the preferred foreground and background colors cannot be set as easily as with the kvt terminal.
How to configure one own colors for Konsole? It can be done by adding a personal *schema file:

- cd /opt/kde2/share/apps/konsole
- cp BlackOnLightYellow.schema PERSONAL.schema
- Then edit the file PERSONAL.schema as follows; change the lines
    starting with 'color 0, 1, 2, 10' as follows:

color  0 255 255 255  0 0  # regular   foreground color (White)
color 1 0 0 80 1 0 # regular background color (Dark Blue)
color 2 255 255 255 0 0 # regular color 0 White
color 10 255 255 255 0 1 # intensive foreground color

Then do the following (the order is important for the size of the terminal)
- Optionen - Schriftarten - Benutzerdefiniert...: iso8859-1, Fett, Groesse 14
- Optionen - Farbschema - PERSONAL
- and *then* (not before): Optionen - Groesse 80x24 (vt100)
- Optionen - Tastatur - xterm (Standard)
- Optionen - Einstellungen speichern

With this, you will have a nice terminal with colors that your eyes will like.

Last Update: 19Mar2001 uk