Backspace Key...

Backspace Key...


Backspace key problem when using telnet to a HP-UX machine

There are many terminals available under Linux - here we talk about 'kvt' and the 'Konsole' only.


Using kvt and logging into a HP-UX system results in a TERM variable (type echo $TERM) of xterm-color. In order to use all functions you are used to it is sufficient to add in your .profile on your HP-UX machine the following:

if test "$TERM" = "xterm-color" ; then  # this is for the 'old' kvt
   export TERM=vt100
The backspace key will then correctly erase characters typed and you won't have any problems using the editor vi.


Using Konsole and logging into a HP-UX system results in a TERM variable (type echo $TERM) of xterm. In order to have the backspace key working properly, you have to include in your .profile on your HP-UX machine the following:

if test $TERM = xterm ; then   # this is for the new Konsole
   export TERM=vt220
   stty erase ^?      # ^? *not* made with:   cntl-v backspace ; just enter: ^?

So, the beginning of my ~/.profile on HP-UX looks like this:
# Set up the terminal:
   if [ "$TERM" = "" ]
           eval ` tset -s -Q -m ':?hp' `
           eval ` tset -s -Q `
   stty erase "^H" kill "^U" intr "^C" eof "^D"
   stty hupcl ixon ixoff

   if test $TERM = xterm ; then   # this is for the new Konsole
      export TERM=vt220
      stty erase ^?  #  ^? *not* made with:   cntl-v backspace ; just enter: ^?

   echo "Value of TERM has been set to \"$TERM\""

Last Update: 21Jul2001 uk