AutoDRM - Requirements

AutoDRM - Requirements

There are some minimum requirements for all AutoDRM installations, which have been agreed on at several occasions by the seismological community.

The most important issue is, that each AutoDRM must send an answer to the word 'HELP' in the message body. Even if you operate an AutoDRM, where users have to be registered first, such an AutoDRM should respond to a HELP-message and tell the requestor, what has to be done in order to obtain data. Only AutoDRM installations, which fulfill this absolute minumum requirement, are entitled to have an e-mail address of the form autodrm@anyhost.anydomain.

For the 'Basic Message Support' and other minimum requirements, please check the Documentation page and specifically read Chapter 5 starting at page 125 (if you use AcrobatReader) or page 117 if you print this document.

It is especially important, that every AutoDRM returns waveform data in the GSE-format. Any other formats may also be supported, but it has been agreed that even a simple AutoDRM must support the GSE2.0/GSE2.1 format as the main format for all requests, as well as one of the ASCII sub-formats (INT, CM6, or AU6) for waveforms. Any other formats can be supported in addition.

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Last Update: 28Sep2001 / uk