AutoDRM - New Developments / Problem Reports

AutoDRM - New Developments / Problem Reports

From time to time I do send e-mails about new versions of our AutoDRM software to interested people. Currently, about 25 addresses are on my list; if you would like to receive such messages, please drop me a mail (kradi). Of course, this is usually only interesting to people running an AutoDRM and using our software.

The newest versions of the Swiss AutoDRM are described as follows:

Since 8Sep2003 the AutoDRM software and the documentation files is no longer available via FTP from us; instead, both the software and the documentation can be downloaded directly from our web-pages from the directory
Before downloading any files, visit the page autodrm_software.html.

New features of version V3.00beta (19Jul2003):

New features of version V3.00alpha (29Apr2002 - not widely announced):

New features of version V2.99 (12May2001):

New features of version V2.98 (23Mar2001):

New features of version V2.97 (21Mar2001):

New features of version V2.96 (18Feb2001):

New features of version V2.95 (08Aug2000):

Major new features of version V2.94 (03Jun2000):

New features of version V2.9 (17Jun98):

New features of version V2.84 (14Nov97): New features of version V2.83 (4May97):

The format description of the new GSE2.1 Format is available as PostScript file here:

If you experience problems with our AutoDRM software, please send a description of the problem to urs.

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Last Update 8Sep2003 / uk