AutoDRM - Introduction

AutoDRM - Introduction

An AutoDRM (Automatic Data Request Manager) is a software package, that allows anyone with access to electronic mail to retrieve data from the site where such an AutoDRM is installed.

Check it out by sending an e-mail to: with the text 'help'. You will then immediately and automatically get more information via e-mail. (The Users Guide is also available here).

AutoDRM is now a widely used method to retrieve earthquake information (including waveform data) from seismological observatories. Besides the original 'standard' most AutoDRMs today understand requests in the so-called GSE2.0 format and their response mails are also in this format. The GSE2.0 format was developed by members of the GSE (Group of Scientific Experts at the Conference on disarmament), representatives of the FDSN (Federation on Digital Seismographic Networks), and representatives of the U.S. Geological Survey.

More information about the Swiss AutoDRM can be found in:

Kradolfer, U., AutoDRM - The First Five Years,
Seism. Res. Let., 67, pp. 30-33, 1996.

Kradolfer, U., Automating the Exchange of Earthquake Information,
EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. U., vol. 74, pp. 442,444-445, 1993.

More information about the general AutoDRM message concept and a detailed description of the formats can be found on the Autodrm documentation page. The GSE2.0 format explained there is also supported by the Swiss AutoDRM.

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