(SED) Macroseismic Earthquake Catalogue of Switzerland

Attention: This is the old, outdated version of the MECOS catalog. It is presented only for reasons of documentation and backtracing. For most correct and actual earthquake info cfr. current SED homepage

Explanation of Catalogue Parameters

Nr Catalogue Parameter Code
1 Record number Rn
2 Year Yr
3 Month Mo
4 Day Dy
5 Hour Ho
6 Minute Mi
7 Epicentral area Ax
8 Number of references (M = multiple references) Nr
9 Root (see explanation of bibliographical codes) R
10 Root class

Quality factor to express type and quality of the supporting datasets,
i.e. the data from which earthquake parameters were derived (unaltered BEECD scheme).

1 number to qualify root type
1 letter to qualify root quality

Root types:
1 earthquake studies with intensity datapoints
2 earthquake studies (literature)
3 earthquake material (in progress studies)
4 set of parameters exported from other parametric earthquake catalogues (PEC)
5 unknown

Root quality:
A primary historical sources only
B primary historical sources and compilations (secondary sources)
C compilations (secondary sources) only

11 Nr. of macroseismic observations Nom
12 Maximum observed intensity 

Example to show Ix- and Io-format:
Ix = 6 becomes Ix = 60,
Ix = 6-7 becomes Ix = 65

13 Epicentral intensity Io
14 Macroseismic scale of Ix and Io:

1 = MSK 64, 2 = RF, 3 = MCS, 4 = MM, MS, 5 = MON, 6 = unknown

15 Error of Ix or Io:

1: d < 0.5 unit, 2: d = 0.5 unit, 3: d = 1 unit, 4: d = 2 units, 5: d unknown

16 Latitude [� N] Lat
17 Longitude [� E] Lon
18 Error of epicenter location:

1: d <= 5 km, 2: 5 < d <= 10 km, 3: 10 < d <= 50 km, 4: 50 < d <= 100 km, 5: d unknown


Last Update: April.1999 / contacts