(SED) Instrumental Earthquake Catalogue of Switzerland
A part of ECOS by SED

Attention: This is the old, outdated version of the MECOS catalog. It is presented only for reasons of documentation and backtracing. For most correct and actual earthquake info for Switzerland look for the most recent earthquake catalog on

Catalogue of Instrumental Recorded Earthquakes
1975-2000, Magnitude >= 3
Catalog information
Quality rating
Publications Downloads Contacts


1. Version, 1999/09/30, N. Deichmann (
2. Version, 2001/05/29, N. Deichmann (

Although instrumental records of earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions exist since the beginning of the 20th century, a modern nationwide seismograph network was only put into operation by the Swiss Seismological Service in the early seventies. Therefore, in view of completeness and uniformity of the data, this instrumental earthquake catalog begins with the year 1975 and includes events with magnitude 3 or more.

This catalog covers the region included in the Swiss national map at the scale of 1:500'000:
Swiss km-coordinates       480-865 / 62-302;
Geographic coordinates       5.9-10.9E / 45.7-47.9N.

Unless noted otherwise, the information corresponds to the information on file at the Swiss Seismological Service and is based mainly on the locations calculated using data from stations in Switzerland.
For more information on the station network and data analysis procedures, see the 1998 earthquake activity report by Baer et al. (1999) available on the www home page of the Swiss Seismological Service under reports or the literature given in the following reference list.
For events for which more reliable locations are available in the literature (events outside Switzerland and events which were studied in more detail), locations have been corrected accordingly. However all magnitude values are those calculated by the Swiss Seismological Service.

Catalog information:

For each event, the catalog includes the following information (columns from left to right):

Date and time (UTC = GMT)
Latitude and longitude (degrees N or E)
Swiss national coordinates, (X/Y, meter)
Focal depth (km)
Magnitude (local magnitude)
Quality rating (A,B,C,D)
Country (A,D,F,I) or canton (GR,VS,ZH,etc)
Literature reference -- numbers of the reference list in ()

Note:  A literature reference is given for those events which are specifically mentioned in the literature and for which locations or focal mechanisms are available. A reference number followed by an asterisk means that the location given has been taken from the corresponding publication, because it has been judged to be significantly more reliable than the one on file at the Swiss Seismological Service.

Quality rating:

A: (RMS < 0.4, GAP < 180, DM < 1.5*Z) errH < 2 km, errZ < 3 km.
B: (RMS < 0.6, GAP < 200, DM < 25) errH < 5 km, errZ < 10 km.
C: (GAP < 270, DM < 60) errH < 10 km, Z undetermined
D: (GAP > 270 or DM > 60) errH > 10 km, Z undetermined


Z: focal depth (km)
errZ: focal depth uncertainty (km)
errH: horizontal uncertainty (km)
DM: minimum epicentral distance (km)
GAP: largest angle between epicenter and two adjacent stations (degrees)
RMS: root-mean-square of travel-time residuals
Note:  In some borderline cases between ratings C and D, the RMS value and the number of available observations have also been taken into account. In the case of locations taken from the literature, the quality rating has been adjusted accordingly.

Last Update: October.2001 / contacts