The communication unit is led by Dr. Michèle Marti

Project and organisational communication

This group is dedicated to making knowledge, scientific findings and the latest insights known and accessible. It manages both internal and external communication for the SED as well as for national and international research projects in which the SED is involved. The group oversees the technical development, content, and design of several websites operated by SED including this website. It also coordinates the dissemination of information in the event of earthquakes and manages public outreach activities, such as exhibitions and conferences. The group further responds to media requests and questions asked by the public. 

In addition, Dr. Michèle Marti represents the SED on federal bodies involved in communicating natural hazards, such as the Natural Hazards Portal Steering Group and the Group of Communication experts linked to the Steering Committee Intervention in Natural Hazards (LAINAT). 

Risk communication research

This risk communication research group addresses the question of how to design scientific information that helps different audiences to make informed decisions. The group applies qualitative and quantitative social science methods, often in a transdisciplinary setting, to evaluate communication products and improve risk communication.