I am a geophysicist working at the SED as a postdoctoral researcher staring June 2021.
Presently I have two lines of research interests. The first one is the characterization and monitoring of natural and/or induced seismicity occurring in response to geotechnical operations such as fluid injection. The second one is the study of ambient noise techniques for imaging and monitoring purposes. Both lines of research are complementary in the exploration and development of successful geothermal projects.
Before joining the SED I worked at the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ) where my doctoral research was focused on experimental survey design analysis, seismic imaging (local earthquake tomography and ambient noise tomography), and the seismic monitoring (seismicity characterization and coda wave interferometry) of three geothermal fields: Reykjanes and Theistareykir in Iceland, and Los Humeros in Mexico.
At the SED I am working mainly in two projects: The SIAMI-GT project implementing and developing waveform-similarity-based analysis methods (Microseismic Monitoring and Analysis group -µMA-) and the DEEPEN project implementing and developing ambient seismic noise based tools for geothermal exploration (Seismic Interferometry & Imaging group).